Select Position —Please choose an option—PGTTGTPRT Select Subject —Please choose an option—ACCOUNTANCYART & CRAFTBIOLOGYBUSINESS STUDIESCHEMISTRYCOMPUTERSCOUNSELLORDANCEDATA ENTRYECONOMICSENGLISHENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCEGEOGRAPHYHINDIHISTORYHUMAN RIGHTS & GENDER STUDIESINFORMATICS PRACTICESLAB ASSISTANTLEGAL STUDIESLIBRARYLIFE SKILLSMATHEMATICSMEDIA STUDIESMUSIC - INSTRUMENTALMUSIC - VOCALPHYSICAL EDUCATIONPHYSICSPOLITICAL SCIENCEPSYCHOLOGYSANSKRITSCIENCESOCIAL SCIENCEZOOLOGY Your Name Your Mobile No. Your Email Your DOB Address City District Pincode Your message (optional) I, the applicant, state that all information given above is true and correct. I understand that submission of the Application Form is a preliminary step in the selection of teachers at New-Era Public School, Gadarwara and does not guarantee a job. I agree to abide by all decisions taken by the school management.